October 30, 2011

So That None May Boast

This scripture seems pretty clear. Yet many still absolutely screw this up and get it backwards -- being prideful in their own works.

But Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8-9 says:

"God saved you by his grace when you believed.
And you can't take credit for this;
it is a gift from God.
Salvation is not a reward
for the good things we have done,
so none of us can boast about it.

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

Prayer for Today

Lord, please, open the eyes of our hearts. So that we truly come to know You, Jesus. And so that when we stand before You, Lord, on Judgment Day, You know us.

Please enlighten us with your wisdom. Help us overcome our 'street smarts.' Help us overcome our pride. Reveal yourself to us, Jesus. In ways we cannot -- and don't want to -- deny.

Father, please, everyone reading this, every one, please, give them over to Jesus. We know that those whom You give to Jesus, He does not let go of.

Please forgive us for our sins. Forgive us, and make us Yours, Lord.

Thank You Father, for your mercy, for your Grace, and for Jesus Christ, your son -- our Lord and Savior.

It's in His holy name we pray to you now. Amen.

October 21, 2011

Reap the Rewards of Proclaiming, 'TGIF!'

This verse below is a great reason to proclaim 'TGIF' today.

Come Friday night, just choose to let it stand for, 'Today God Is First.'

That way, come Saturday nights, too, you can still proclaim 'TGIF' -- and reap the benefits of a smarter choice. :)

"Whoever sows to please their flesh,
from the flesh will reap destruction;
whoever sows to please the Spirit,
from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
(Galatians 6:8)

October 17, 2011

As A Bride Adorned With Jewels

Women of God, I remind you today: you are worth far more than the world says you are. Live your day today as a Bride, adorned with jewels.

Isaiah 61:10 says --

"I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

God absolutely loves you. Yes, you!

When God is for you, who can be against you? None of them matter.

Thank You, Father, for Jesus. Thank You for loving us, and bringing us back to You through Him.

October 13, 2011

7 Words to Contemplate Today

There is a lot packed into those 7 words, "Do not be conformed to this world." Yowza. Contemplate that today...

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.

(Romans 12:2 - ESV)

October 12, 2011

Daily Circumstances Vs. Truth

I've got a list of things that I could easily say sucked today. But there is always a longer list of things that are blessings in my day - every day. Which should I choose to focus on? Well, it's been a struggle, numerous times today. But I've continuously chosen to focus on how amazingly blessed I am. Thank You, Lord. For helping me continue to focus on what truly matters.

Daily Circumstances

How about you? What have you been spending your energy on? Focusing on the daily circumstances, on the crap, on the lies of each day put there mostly to distract & frustrate us?

If so, why not choose today to begin striving to focus on the blessings in your day -- and pay more attention to the things in your life that truly matter?

A More Enjoyable, More Loving Day

Philippians 4:8 goes a long way towards our having good days versus bad ones, and a less stressful life versus a frustrated, fearful life. Here's God's advice to us, on how to have a less stressful, more loving, more enjoyable day.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
(Philippians 4:8 - NIV)

Try harder to focus on the good things, and do your best to not give your time, thoughts, and concern to the negatives which nearly every day provides.

Choose 'Love'

It's your choice. Your day will be as good or as bad as you let it be, and as you make it. Choose Christ. Christ, the Bible says, is Love. Choose Love. ;-)

Give your concerns to Jesus. Give your frustrations and moments where you don't know what you can do to "fix" a thing, to Jesus. He tells us too!

Quit your worrying, quit being ridiculously anxious about things.

Give your fears, your worries, your concerns, and your unknowns, to Christ our Lord.

Starting today. Starting now.

A Prayer for Today

Thank You, Jesus, for being one with the Father. Thank You, Father, for being an Almighty, sovereign God. The One, True God. The God who holds the waters of the earth in the palm of His hand, yet knows the hairs on our heads at the same time.

Please, strengthen our faith in you today, Lord. Help us each in ways that we cannot deny it must be you. From the littlest, silly requests to the most overbearing, looming problems in our lives, Jesus. Help us to learn to give it all to you -- and to watch for your responses.

Thank You, Father, for Jesus. Amen.