December 17, 2013

Hear, See, Tell


I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this week’s message from my Pastor over at (Colorado Springs). If you'd like to hear it far better than I'm sharing it here, look for Pastor Gary Wilkerson's sermon dated 12/15/2013, and titled, "Go Tell It."

He pointed out how that from the very first day Jesus appeared here on earth, the course of action was laid out for believers.

The 3 'wise men,' the shepherds, HEARD the news (from the angels), went to SEE it with their own eyes (in the manger), then TOLD everybody of the good news (that Jesus the Messiah was born).

That is the process of being a Disciple, a Follower, of Jesus Christ. We simply were NOT meant to only go to church 1 day a week, and basically ignore God the rest of the week. God calls us to action - again and again and again!

If we heard the message of salvation from God, through His people, we should, theoretically, 'see' it for ourselves, and prove it to ourselves in any of the many ways God does that for each of us. Then, yes then, we are called to action - to tell others about the 'Good News,' i.e., Jesus Christ.

If you think you haven't been called over and over again, you simply have not been listening.

First, you hear the message. Then you ‘see’ it for yourself. Then, take action, and share the wonderful news of the Messiah with anyone and everyone. Hear it, see it, tell it.

Another way to say it, which I’m slightly fond of, would be something along the lines of, “Get off your duffs -- and live it like you truly believe it!”

But hey, maybe that’s just me, y’know? ;-)

May God bless your efforts mightily, whatever those efforts may be.