"Those who dance are considered insane by those who can’t hear the music."
-- George Carlin
Yes, indeed. Christians, too, are called weak, foolish, crazy, whatever. Due simply to the fact that those who mock Christianity have not yet ever truly heard the music, the sweet melodies that only the Holy Spirit can provide.
Thank You, Jesus, for opening the eyes of my heart. Please, Lord, I ask you to open the eyes of all the hearts of *everyone* who reads this. Don't let any of them escape. Give them hearts of flesh that you can reshape, Lord, and cast out their hearts of stone, as you say in the Bible. If you can do it to me, and to hard-headed Marines I've prayed for and whom you've changed, I know you can also save all who read this. In Jesus mighty name I ask this, all for your glory, Father. Amen.