For those of you waiting on a sign from God, has it occurred to you that God may be waiting on a sign from you?
Two overwhelming themes in the Bible are 1) Have Faith, and 2) Take Action.
Consider that while you’re ‘waiting on God,’ He very likely is doing the same with you.
HFTA! Have Faith, & Take Action.
God says in Proverbs that even with all our dreams and plans, He directs our steps. Take Action! Let Him lead you, and He will. But take action. HFTA!
And may the Lord bless you all throughout your journey.
A Prayer for Today
Thank You, Father, for being the one, true, Almighty God. Please, protect us as we go forth -- but help us to live adventurously. In Jesus’ name we ask for your blessings and guidance, Lord. Amen.