"The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
(Psalm 118:22)
In case you're curious, but not sure, that verse is talking of the Jews crucifying the Messiah, the Christ - Jesus. This was just 1 of the prophetic words given in the times hundreds and thousands of years before Jesus was born, telling of the coming Messiah who would be the savior of the people (Luke 1:26-35).
This prophecy (along with at least 100 others in the Old Testament) was fulfilled by Jesus in his short lifetime. Israelites killed him for proclaiming (and showing via many, many miracles) that he was, yes, the Messiah (Luke 22:66-71) sent to earth to atone for our sins, to bring on a new way, a new focus.
God knew we could never fully atone for our continuing sins. So Jesus came to earth and stepped in for us (Philippians 2:6-7).
He shed his blood so that all who follow & believe in his truth, his testimony, his sacrifice, would be forgiven by the Father God.
Selfish people who don't like to hear what they don't want to believe (such as what Jesus says in John 14:6), say this is hate, somehow. Well, “bah humbug” to that, I say. Read the actual bible and you'll see that kind of thinking for the pile of manure that it is.
Definitely, too many times in the history of Christianity, there have been many who used God's word for their own plans and schemes, and got way off track with what God actually says throughout the whole bible, not just in 1 verse here and another there.
There have been many -- the Crusades for example -- who ignore what Christ actually said, and seem to heed the Old Testament moreso than Jesus Christ's loving ways. But what’s done is done. No denying it. They did that, and now and then someone else pops up and does it again, trying to take only small bits of what the Holy Bible actually says, and twist it to their selfish advantage.
Jesus brought love and grace to earth, as the new law of God (Romans 7:6, Ephesians 2:15). He is love. He is so loving that even as he was dripping blood from the cross, and the Israelites and others mocked him and spit on him, he didn't get mad. He prayed for them, asking God to forgive them (Luke 23:34).
He did tell us over and over again that God made it so that now, a belief in Jesus is the only way into heaven (John 14:6), to spend eternity in God's presence.
You know what? Big deal. That's not hate. I absolutely love my kids, our kids. But I'm not happy with absolutely every choice they make, no way. And I try to guide them towards the better way. Sometimes I straight-out tell them the right thing, smarter thing, or simpler thing, rather than letting them go on in a wrong or more difficult way.
Sometimes I merely give suggestions, hinting at a bigger picture. Because, as with most of us, the human way seems to be to learn the hard way. We are a stubborn people, indeed.
We all need correction now and then, and quite often, we need guidance to do the right thing, to make the better choice. Everyone, every one of us, needs to learn of a better way, now & then. I don't care if you're 6, or 60. You know it's true.
You know why children and many old people tend to believe in God more easily? Kids aren’t caught up in their pride just yet (most times) and are more open to the supposedly impossible, incredible things in life. Well, there’s that, and there’s also Matthew 11:25.
As for older people, well, quite often they have simply lived life and had plenty of time to see things for themselves, and accepted the supposed truths as truth, and seen the wisdom of the reality of God.
This is, I believe, why Jesus tells us to consider the children (Matthew 18:2-3).
Be wary of what others tell you in this world of lies and deceit. Including me. Don't just take my word for it. As one well-known Christian often says, "Read the Bible - it's great for the soul!" ;-) Check out God's word for yourself. The more you learn, the more you'll see why Christians are often thought to be hypocrites, but aren't, really. Also why grace, i.e., forgiveness, is the new law. Also why it's considered "God's living word," not just 'written by man' as many unbelievers like to spout off about.
Want to learn for yourself? You can start here: [www.biblegateway.com/]
If you wanted to jump right into the life of Jesus and what he actually said, start with the 1st 4 books of the New Testament. Each one gives you varying notes and quotes directly from Jesus. Each was written by 3 of the Apostles who walked with Jesus during his 3 year ministry. The 4th is by a doctor who studied everyone he could find who knew Jesus personally, not too long after he died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven.
They are the first 4 books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John (Luke is the doctor).
You can find those 4 books and many others in the Bible, at the link above. Just look for the link below the search box on that page, titled, “Bible Book List.” ;-)
#StraightOuttaTheBible #Bible #Psalms #Cornerstone #Jesus