As is often the case when you truly let Christ lead you through your life, Martin Luther King, Jr. was an inspiration to many.
In my own local church, one of our Mission points that we’re focused on says:
“An intense focus on taking the gospel EVERYWHERE it is not - John 20:21; Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8.”
Why do some people go to the literal 'ends of the earth' to bring Jesus Christ to people? Why do some stand on street corners shouting out scripture hoping that some may listen and truly hear?
Those scriptures referenced above show why.
To help you get a clearer understanding of ‘why,’ here they are, written out for you:
John 20:21 --
"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you"
John 20:21 -- in the NIV says:
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
Matthew 28:16-20 -- "The Great Commission"
Matthew 28:16-20 -- In the NIV says:
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Acts 1:8 -- "To the ends of the earth"
Acts 1:8 -- In the NIV says:
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
The Holy Spirit
That last verse brings some misinterpretation for some. So do several other verses throughout the Bible, regarding this topic. But Jesus makes it clear in various phrasing, that the Holy Spirit (or, "Holy Ghost") is in you if you are His. He ascended to heaven, and said he would send His Spirit back to us to be a helper. And so He did.
Confusion among many non-believers who just shake their heads at Christians comes from the fact that too many 'Christians' seem to have a head-knowledge of Christ, but not necessarily a true heart-knowledge. Meaning, they know of Him, fight to live for Him, strive for Him, but don't truly know Him.
Many are trying to live for Christ, but doing it of their own power rather than the Holy Spirit working through them and in them.
Jesus says that will be so, very clearly when talking of the Day of Judgment where He'll say to many, "I never knew you."
These verses -- and many other sections and verses in the Holy Bible that go right along with these points (Paul's, "Run the race to win" comments, as one example) are why you find many Christians giving up their time, their resources, their pride, their very lives, for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because He commands us to share His truth, The Truth, with the world.
Today's Prayer for You:
Father, we thank you for your Inspired word, the Holy Bible. We thank you for The Living Word, Jesus Christ. We thank you for our very breath given us so that we may strive to glorify you.
Please strengthen our faith in you, and our understanding of you and your word. Please bless us with your Godly wisdom today.
Please, Father, inspire us, and motivate us now, today, for a lifetime. Show us exactly how you want us to live, where you want us to go, what you want us to do with our lives.
Put us each on your narrow path, Lord. Open doors for us where you want us to go, and close those doors on paths that are not truly fruitful for your glory, and not where you want us to be. Please, do not let us go astray any longer.
Lord Jesus, please, fill us to overflowing with your peace, your joy -- and your confidence. Fill us with love and grace that abounds, so that is what others get from us, more than the worldly influences that pound us and try to influence us every day.
Lord, please, grab hold of everyone that reads this prayer. Use them mightily, Jesus. Give them hearts of flesh today, and cast out their hearts of stone. Make us lovers of life, Jesus! Make us encouragers, inspirers, motivators, all for your plan and your glory, Lord.
Thank you for the heart to know that there is nothing that truly matters more to us, than you. Thank you, Jesus, for being our bridge back to the Father, so that we may spend eternity in heaven, with you.
Father, we praise you, we pray to you, we give our lives the best we know how to today, to you Lord. Please answer us in your beautiful way, so that we don't miss it. Thank you again Father, for Jesus. Amen.
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