When I think I've got it bad, that life stinks, in those moments when I again find myself whining, 'Why, God?' ... God always answers. Though sometimes I try not to listen because in those moments of selfishness, of 'me me me,' I often want a different answer.
But thanks I believe to so often asking for God's grace, wisdom, and help... He reminds me of the simple truth of it all: that Christ is the Messiah, and our God is a sovereign God.
He reminds me that,
"God is in charge."
God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and in all places. Nothing is hidden from Him. This has been shown again and again over the ages.
When I find myself wishing I had a different life, had it 'better,' or had what others have... in those moments I'm usually reminded that the Apostle Paul was put in prison for God's reasons.
Paul was beaten, carried out of the city, dumped and left for dead, prayed over, rose again, and re-entered the city to continue sharing Christ -- all for God's glory.
I'm reminded, too, that Paul did not have all of his sinful ways taken away from him miraculously, and that God said His grace was sufficient.
I'm reminded in my moments of self-pity and worry that Peter failed Christ in a time of fear and worry -- and Christ knew it would happen and still loved him.
I'm reminded, too, that life was not all fun and joy for any of the people given as examples in the Holy Bible, God's Inspired word.
Job had multiple children taken forcefully from him, lost all his possessions, and was made sick to the point of questioning God.
Yet God was always aware, always in charge -- and the devil could not touch Job without God's permission.
Lucifer, 'Satan,' 'the devil'...
Call him what you want -- I call him creation.
I'm reminded the devil is not equal with God, but is merely another creation of the Almighty God. As are angels, as are demons, as are all things in heaven and on this earth.
When I am feeling sorry for myself again, God reminds me that King David had his moments of weakness, and failed God more than once. Yet he was 'a man after God's own heart.'
I remember again that not all of David's days were great and glorious. He had his normal, boring days as we all must, too.
I'm reminded that 'King David' started out as a boy, just like me. Even as a boy, though he did great, glorious things. Because even as a boy he had been a lover of God, a follower of God -- and that's what made the difference.
I'm reminded that despite being 'only' a boy, God used him.
David was used many times by God, for God's glory. To lead the people, to fight a giant, to lead armies in battle. To serve the people, and to lead the people to God.
It's a spiritual battle...
Yes, when this battle in our lives even today, this battle that is spiritual far more than physical, gets me down again, I'm thankfully reminded of and recognize -- sooner or later -- the truth.
The truth that it is a spiritual battle more than a physical battle,
every day.
The truth that God lets us fail sometimes, yes.
But He is always there to dust us off again when we're ready to stand up again, and walk on again -- with Him leading the way.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah...
Thank You, Jesus, for showing us that You are The One, and one with the Father.
One with the Almighty God who holds the waters of the earth in the palm of His hand, yet knows the hairs on our head better than we do.
with the Almighty God who is in charge of all things. Of the earth, wind, waters, and fires of the earth. In charge of nature and all natural things, supernaturally.
The Almighty God who knows the inmost, hidden desires and thoughts of our hearts, better than we do of ourselves.
Prayer for Today
Please, Father, help us. Enlighten us. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord, so that we may no longer ignore you. No longer be able to deny You.
Give us your Godly wisdom in ways only You can. So that we no longer want to fight against You, but rather, choose to fight, to stand, to walk... with You.
Then, always, when we are feeling down spiritually, when we are being attacked, when we are being forgetful once again, remind us of your truth.
Thank You, Father, for Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the Holy Spirit to lead us here on earth, until we can be with You in heaven.