September 2, 2011

Faith Is Not 'Intelligent Understanding'

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
(Hebrews 11:1)

Sometimes I cannot understand all that happens in my day. People act incomprehensibly. Things just seem to 'happen.' People don't always make informed, intelligent decisions, even as they're crossing my path.

I, too, choose in some of those moments then, not to fight to, 'be intelligent.'

Funny how society today -- at least here in America -- just loves to proclaim how smart we are. It's in taglines and mottos everywhere. Smart this-or-that, for Smart People.

yet many of these smart people regularly make rather insane, ludicrous decisions -- even as they continue consoling themselves about being smart.

In such moments, I have learned to stay (mostly) peaceful about the foolishness around me, by deliberately choosing to 'give it to God,' and to let God handle it.

Knowing that whether I ever do or don't understand a thing, "God's in charge."

That's become my motto. I remind myself that no matter how things appear to me, that God's already got it handled. I tell myself, I remind my children and those closest to me, sometimes I even ask friends in order to help remind them:

"Who's in charge?"

"God's in charge."

Who's in charge?

"God's in charge."

God's In Charge

Have faith today that even if you don't understand a thing to where you're comfortable with it, He's watching over you, He's got it covered. He's 'got your back.'

Give your worries and problems to Him. Ask Him to take care of it for you, when you can't seem to on your own.

"Glad, Reckless Joy"

Here's some of what Oswald Chambers said on the subject of faith...

“Faith is not intelligent understanding, faith is deliberate commitment to a Person where I see no way.”

“Are you debating whether to take a step in faith in Jesus or to wait until you can see how to do the thing yourself? Obey Him with glad, reckless joy!”

--Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest (daily devotions, 3/28)

Strive today to stay calm, be at peace, and know that God's in charge. Give it to Him, and watch as He takes care of you.

Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, thank You. Thank You for faith. Thank You for being one with the Almighty God.

Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to us as the bridge back to you, as the final sacrifice for our sins. We know through your word, the Holy Bible, that we are covered by His blood, and we are forgiven and therefore are no longer hated by you, but drawn into your amazing love once again. Thank You.

Lord, please, strengthen our faith in you today. Help us to give it all to you. All our worries, our fears, our needs. Our hopes and dreams and commitments as well. Take them, Lord, and take us -- and make us yours.

Help us to trust in you, in your word given in the bible, more fully. Grab hold of us, Jesus. Make us yours. Use us mightily, Lord. Change our lives, our hearts, our minds -- then use us to change others as well.

Father, we ask for your love, your power, your wisdom to be poured out on us, and in us, to overflowing. So that is what we can't help but share with others every day, in every way. Help us to trust more in You, and to love others better.

All for Your glory, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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